Tuesday 6 October 2015

Cave Art with Homemade Paint 2015

Our second art project of the year required the students to make some homemade paint using natural ingredients.  Then, using the paint, the students created images of Ice Age animals in the likeness of First Nations cave paintings and they hung them in our classroom cave.  You will see mammoths, sabre-toothed cats, horses and giant beavers among the animals on the wall.  You will also see that each piece is signed with the artist's handprint.

Grade 5-8 Chapel - September 2015

In one of our grade 5-8 chapels in September, Mr. Charach spoke on what the Bible can do for us. The Bible Communicates, Corrects us, Cleanses us, Comforts us, and Counsels us. Students from 5G were chosen to assist Mr. Charach with his props.  Here is a picture from the event.

Watercolour Fall Leaves 2015

This art project is always a good one to begin our grade 5 art program.  The project allows the students to work with art supplies and learn how to care for them right from the start, it hones their listening skills, it challenges their creativity and design ideas, and it looks so good when it is complete.  Here are a few student samples from this year's bunch.