Friday 6 December 2013

First Nation Research Project

This month the students in 5G worked on a collaborative First Nations research and art project.  Each group wrote a report about a different group of Canada's First Peoples including the Northwest Coast, the Plateau, the Subarctic, the Arctic, the Plains, the Eastern Woodlands Hunters and the Eastern Woodlands Farmers First Nations groups.  In the report the students covered topics such as the landscape of the region, the food they ate, hunting and fishing, transportation, housing, clothing and art.  Some groups also looked at social roles and government of the groups along with games.

After researching and reporting, the groups then created murals that were 2 metres in length.  Their inspiration came from the artist Diego Rivera, a Mexican artist, who painted the Allegory of California .  The student murals are shown below.

Eastern Woodlands Farmers First Nations Group

Northwest Coast First Nations Group

Plateau First Nations Group

Eastern Woodlands Hunters First Nations Group

Plains First Nations Group

Arctic First Nations Group

Subarctic First Nations Group