Thursday 15 January 2015

Group Work Skills

Session 1

In the month of November, our resource teacher came into the class to teach a series of lessons on group work skills.  She started off by reminding everyone that really they had all been doing group work since kindergarten, and she brainstormed with the class what good group work looks like and sounds like.

The next part of the lesson was a discussion on the importance of listening when doing group work. To illustrate this skill the class was divided into groups of two.  The assignment was for one of the partners to tell the other about an activity that he/she really enjoyed.  The other partner was to listen and then retell the story.  

Session 2

In our second group work skills session, the students practised listening and questioning skills.  To do this, one of the partners had to describe an item for the other partner to draw.  The partner doing the drawing had to ask specific questions so that he/she could draw as accurately as possible.  The partners then switched roles.

The first partner had to draw an owl as described by partner two.

The object to draw.

Pencil sketch of the owl.

Owl sketch in colour.

All of the final owls.

The second partner had to draw a squirrel as described by partner one.

The object to draw.

Pencil sketch of the squirrel.

Squirrel sketch in colour.

All the final squirrels.

Session 3

In the final session on group work skills, the class brainstormed a list of ideas on the topic of what makes a good reporter.  When doing group work, all of the group members should be actively involved and have a good understanding of the project and the expectations.  Any of the group members should be able to report on the project at any time if called upon.

The class was then divided into small groups and charged with the task of creating a chart that described what good group work feels like, sounds like and looks like.  The group members were not told which of them would be presenting the information to the class.  All of the group members were to be actively engaged in the decision making and production of the final product.  The reporter was randomly chosen.

Now all that is left to practise!