Thursday 30 October 2014

Study Skills Part 2 - Creating a Table on a Document

The second study strategy that we talked about as a class was to create a table on a Google Document.  The table would have 2 columns.  The first column would be for the questions or the information that you need to find.  The second column would be for the answer to the question/the information.  We talked about the use of colour to help with the organization of the information.  The students used the study guide that was shared with them to fill in the first column of the table.

Forces Science Test Study Notes

Things I need to know:
Know each of Newton’s three laws and be able to provide/recognize an example of each.
Newton’s First Law of Motion:

Objects in motion    tend to stay in motion    and  Objects at rest   tend to  stay at rest   unless they are acted on by  some outside force.

Newton’s Second Law of Motion:

The  greater  the  force   acting on an object, the  more   it  changes  in speed    or  direction  ; the  heavier  the  object   is, the   less    it   changes   in   speed    or  direction   .

Newton’s Third Law of Motion:

For  every action    there is an  equal    and  opposite reaction    .

Study Skills Part 1 - Cue Cards

Over the past couple of days we have been discussing different study strategies we could use for learning.  One of the study strategies we talked about was the use of cue cards.  The students will practice this study strategy for their next Bible test on Adam and Eve.  Each student was given cards on which to write the questions from the study guide.  On the back side of each card, the students wrote the answer to the question on the front.  They were also encouraged to draw picture cues on the card to help them remember the information.