Monday 16 December 2013

Line Art

Part of our Shape and Space unit in math is a study of lines.  To compliment our study of lines, the class created Line Art.  The inspiration for this project came from a piece of art that I saw in the side entrance of the Ramada Inn in Fargo.  I do not know the name of the piece or who the artist is who painted it,  however, I do have a photo.  If anyone happens to know who the artist is, please let me know so I can give them credit.

The criteria for the project was to use parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines, as well as horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.  The students were also to use thin lines and thick lines, as well as short, medium and long lines.  All lines were to touch at least one other line and they were to include a good amount of negative space.  This is a sample of what the students created.

Basic Shapes

The End of the World

Crazy Lines


Epic Disaster

Colour Explosion

Watercolour Angels

In the first week of December the class painted watercolour angels.  The inspiration for this project came from The Usborne Book of Christmas Art Ideas 2004 edition.  For the project, the students had to think about colour value, composition, foreground, middle ground, background, and pattern, as well as watercolour painting techniques. The following are a few of the student pieces that were created.

Monday 9 December 2013

Operation Christmas Child 2013

One of the goals in our school vision is to create compassionate community members.  Every year all of the Kindergarten to Grade 8 students pack shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Once all of the boxes have been stuffed and collected, the students then form a human chain to transfer all of the boxes to the container in the parking lot ready for pick up.  This is always a highlight for the students each year.  Christmas carols play in the auditorium as the boxes move up the line. There is much excitement!  Below are some photos of the day.

Friday 6 December 2013

First Nation Research Project

This month the students in 5G worked on a collaborative First Nations research and art project.  Each group wrote a report about a different group of Canada's First Peoples including the Northwest Coast, the Plateau, the Subarctic, the Arctic, the Plains, the Eastern Woodlands Hunters and the Eastern Woodlands Farmers First Nations groups.  In the report the students covered topics such as the landscape of the region, the food they ate, hunting and fishing, transportation, housing, clothing and art.  Some groups also looked at social roles and government of the groups along with games.

After researching and reporting, the groups then created murals that were 2 metres in length.  Their inspiration came from the artist Diego Rivera, a Mexican artist, who painted the Allegory of California .  The student murals are shown below.

Eastern Woodlands Farmers First Nations Group

Northwest Coast First Nations Group

Plateau First Nations Group

Eastern Woodlands Hunters First Nations Group

Plains First Nations Group

Arctic First Nations Group

Subarctic First Nations Group